June 21

June 2016 Ministry Update


June is an important time at Faith for Fathers. As the nation sets aside a day to celebrate our fathers, it is also an opportunity for us to highlight the need for faithful people like you to support this ministry. Our desire is to see fathers leave a Godly legacy by becoming the spiritual and emotional leaders of their families. We are asking you to prayerfully consider becoming a monthly supporter of Faith for Fathers. Our goal is to see thirty new monthly partners added during the thirty days of June. Would you be one of those thirty?
 We have already seen God do some amazing things in 2016.

  • March: We hosted a “Date with Dad” movie event, and had two theaters full of fathers and their kids enjoying the new Disney movie, Zootopia.
  • April: We introduced our first published resource, With Love From Daddy. Written by Robin Lee Howell and produced by Westbow Publishing, With Love From Daddy is a children’s book designed to help fathers share the Gospel with their daughters.
  • May: We hosted three incredible Cinderella’s Ball father-daughter events, including two in Spartanburg, and a brand new event in Greenville. All three nights were sold out, with over 600 fathers and daughters attending.
  • June: We began a partnership with the Carolina Pregnancy Center to design and facilitate a Dad-to-Dad mentoring program for fathers involved with CPC. This is a critical need, and promises to have generational impact on fathers and families in our community.

 God’s design is for fathers to be the emotional and spiritual leaders of their families. Imagine how much better our world would be if more children had healthy relationships with fathers, and more fathers were truly leading their families. Will you help us encourage fathers?
Please prayerfully consider becoming a monthly partner of Faith for Fathers. You can learn more by visiting faithforfathers.org/give. Thank you!
Jonathan Bright,
Faith for Fathers
P.S. We are very grateful to have you in the Faith for Fathers family and hope you will pray about becoming one of our thirty new monthly partners during the month of June. Your support will help us extend the influence of Faith for Fathers and make a difference.


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