This plan is pretty basic and assumes that you don’t run at all yet. It has been designed to get you round your first 3.1 mile race, probably with a few short walking breaks. The schedule will take you through six weeks, starting with short runs with walk breaks. WEEK ONE Mon: Run 1 min, walk 1 min. Repeat 10 times. Tue: Rest Wed: Run 2 mins, walk 4 mins. Repeat 5 times.
Do you love a good story? How about a story about you? We all love to hear fun things others say about us. Ask your kids to tell you one of their favorite stories about you. Let them tell it without interrupting them and be sure to engage and affirm their confidence in telling the story. Make it a fun time of sharing and laughing. That’s one thing my dad
Have you ever been to a circus and had the privilege to see a clown act with dowel rods and spinning plates? The performer attempts to get eight to ten plates spinning at one time. It’s quite amusing. It’s also a great analogy for how some people attempt to live their lives. Unfortunately for them, it’s not “amusing.” The stress and consequences of trying to cover work, family, friends, health,
If you’re working on your Dad Plan or setting goals in general, there is a right way to do it. Too often, we miss our goals because we try to wing it or keep it in our head. If we want to succeed with our plans, we need to make sure our goals are CLEAR, written down and put somewhere we can see them often. This is what we mean