Say This: Research shows that about 60 percent of people make New Year’s resolutions, but only about 8 percent of people keep them. That means that over 90% of people fail to reach their goals. For Christians, a common resolution is to attend church more regularly. This is seen in the spike in attendance that most churches see every January. But what exactly is the church, and why is it so important

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Ask This: What is your favorite Christmas tradition? (discuss) Why do we have those traditions? (They are part of our celebration of the holiday.) What does it mean to celebrate something? (To be excited about the event and what it means to us.) Do you remember the wisemen who followed a star to find Jesus? How did they celebrate Jesus? (They brought Him gifts.) Have you ever thought about how

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Ask This: What is your favorite sports team? What are some ways you let others know they are your favorite? Watch This: Clip from the movie Woodlawn:   Say This: In this powerful scene, the coach comes to the church because he wants to tell others about what God has done in his life. That is exactly what baptism is supposed to be…it is our chance to let other people

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Watch this clip from Moana:   Ask This: How did the tribe leader know which way to go? (He used his hand and the stars.) Why was using the stars important? (They are always in the same place.) What happens if the stars were to move? (They wouldn’t get to the island because they would be headed in the wrong direction.) Say This: The stars helped them make sure they

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Ask This: Has anyone ever heard the word, “Hoarding”? (Explain that this is when people hold onto stuff and never throw it away, sell it or give it away.) Say This: There’s actually a TV show just about people who hoard everything…I mean EVERYTHING! Watch This: Ask This: What are some things you noticed? Do you think this lady planned to live like that? How do you think she ended

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Watch This:     Ask This: What was the biggest problem facing this family? What could have they done differently? What can we learn from their mistakes? Say This: There is an old expression that says “Save for a rainy day.” This expression can be traced back to the 15th century, and the idea is that rainy days represent times of trouble or need, and that each of us should

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Watch This: Say This: Although this silly skit may seem like common sense, very few people understand the concept of only spending money they actually have. The truth is most people have no plan for their money, and therefore have no control over their spending. Out of control spending often causes people to spend money they don’t have, and forces them to borrow money to pay for things they need

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Say this: Have you ever wondered why work is necessary? Believe it or not, it goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden. Let’s read about it in Genesis.Read This: Genesis 2:15-17, Genesis 3:6-7, 17-19Say this: Did you notice in Genesis 2 that God’s original plan was for Adam to work the land and take care of it? God created us to work and intended for work to

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Try this: Ask someone to share their favorite family story. It can be a favorite vacation or holiday memory, or a funny story when something went completely wrong. (Be prepared to get the ball rolling with a story of your own.) Say This: Have you ever noticed that the most effective public speakers are usually the ones that have the best stories? Most have great information, but we usually connect

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Try This: Have each member of the family share one their “hidden” talents. They can sing a song, play an instrument, throw/catch/hit a ball, perform a card trick, play their favorite video game, or even do their make-up. The only rule is that the family must encourage each another during this impromptu talent show. Note: To set the tone, dad should be prepared to go first. Say This: Doesn’t it

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