The greatest gift we can give our children is a Godly marriage. This devotional celebrates the institution of marriage as you share how husbands and wives are similar and different. It also allows you to talk about how God uses the marriage relationship for His glory. [button color=”#fff” background=”red” size=”large” target=”_blank” src=””]Print Devotion[/button] Watch This: [youtube height=”HEIGHT” width=”WIDTH”][/youtube] Say This: (it’s OK if you read this word-for-word) Begin by telling
Parenting has its easy tasks and then its hard tasks. The hard tasks are the ones that define us as parents. Are we willing to do the necessary work to help our kids grow up and become what God has planned for their life? Share the Table Talk for March and discuss it with your family. Watch This: Say This: (it’s OK if you read this word-for-word) As a parent,
But first… We invite you to our monthly meeting for dads, by dads…Dad’s Life Lunch! The final Friday of the month… Fuddruckers in Spartanburg, SC 12:00pm – 12:50pm Click HERE for more information and to reserve your seat… [youtube height=”HEIGHT” width=”WIDTH”][/youtube]
Sometimes in life situations come our way with little or no warning. How we react to these moments can in many ways define our lives. This month’s Table Talk looks at an example found in Scripture, and asks each of us to consider what it means to live an intentional life. We encourage you to download this lesson, and share it with your family during February. [button color=”#fff” background=”red” size=”large”
We’ve all been there. There is a moment on Thanksgiving Day when everyone in the house begins migrating toward one central area. As they make their way, conversations are flowing, kids are chasing each other, and the last few items are being placed for convenient serving. As everyone arrives, they find a seat or a place in line and waits… This wait has two dynamics. If you’re the guest, you’re just
LEAD: “I want us to go around the table and share something for which we are thankful.” “Okay. Now let’s do that again, but this time I want you to share something you are thankful for about the person to your right (or left).” SHARE: “Our family has a lot to be thankful for. [Think back over the previous 12 months and remind your family of somethings that happened and