Say This: What do you think of when you hear the word discipline (Let them respond)? You might think of someone being punished, an athlete training for a sport, or a student dedicated to their school work. Does the word “love” instantly come to mind? Probably not, but love is precisely the purpose of discipline. Let’s watch this scene from an old show called the Andy Griffith show where discipline was badly needed.
Watch This:
Say This: This father had to decide how handle this situation. Do you think his decision to discipline his son was a loving act, or should he have just allowed his son to continue to get his way? Let’s read a Bible verse that helps us better understand God’s purpose for discipline.
Read This: My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in. Proverbs 3:11-12
Say This: Did you catch that? This passage tells us that we should not be resentful when the Lord disciplines us, because He only disciplines those that He loves. It is so important that we understand that no matter how badly we mess up, God never punishes us. God only disciplines us, and it is only because He loves us. We have the same goal as parents. When we discipline you, our purpose is not to make you suffer for a mistake you have made, but it is to correct you so that you can avoid making the same mistake in the future. We are not perfect parents, so we don’t always do a good job of this. It is important that you understand that the reason that God allows discipline in our lives is because He loves, and wants us to avoid pain and mistakes in the future.
Ask This:
1. When is a time that you have experienced discipline? What effect did that situation have on you?
2. Why do you think people have a hard time accepting discipline?
3. Has there been a time that we disciplined you in a way that you thought was unfair?
4. How does our discipline show our love for you?
Pray This: Dear Lord, help our family understand that you only discipline those that you love. As parents, we ask for wisdom to know how and when to discipline our kids. I also pray that you help our kids accept discipline when needed, and remind them that it is always done in love. In Jesus name, Amen.